

Swisscom Invoice Reporting – How to retrieve the raw data (CSV files)

By |2023-12-19T21:53:34+01:00June 13th, 2018|All posts, Costs, Tspendo, Visibility|Comments Off on Swisscom Invoice Reporting – How to retrieve the raw data (CSV files)

Invoice Reporting is a service provided by Swisscom to enterprise customers. It gives you the possibility to download CSV files containing all the details of your Swisscom [...]


Swisscom NATEL go – Optimize subscriptions and reduce costs with Tspendo

By |2022-10-05T09:50:16+02:00January 21st, 2018|All posts, Costs, Featured, Tspendo, Visibility|Comments Off on Swisscom NATEL go – Optimize subscriptions and reduce costs with Tspendo

Swisscom and Sunrise both offer a family of mobile subscriptions with a "flat" model for enterprises ( Swisscom NATEL go , Sunrise Business ). These flat subscriptions [...]


Information is power. Information is security.

By |2022-10-26T18:27:50+02:00October 31st, 2017|All posts, Consulting, Kudelski, Security|Comments Off on Information is power. Information is security.

The security challenge As they are facing a more and more complex scenario in terms of worldwide cybersecurity, Companies struggle today to find up-to-date and solid [...]


Mobile Interception – Download presentation (Cybersecurity Symposium / ASUT Lunch Forum)

By |2022-10-26T18:28:26+02:00September 28th, 2017|All posts, Kudelski, Security|Comments Off on Mobile Interception – Download presentation (Cybersecurity Symposium / ASUT Lunch Forum)

Mobile Interception Risks & Countermeasures In September 2017,  in collaboration with Kudelski Security, Tmanco SA held a presentation "Mobile Interception - Risks & Countermeasures" at the [...]


Do-it-yourself Sun Shade for mobile freedom & privacy

By |2019-01-15T18:24:08+01:00July 26th, 2017|All posts, Consulting, Kudelski, Security|Comments Off on Do-it-yourself Sun Shade for mobile freedom & privacy

Because work is an activity, not a place ! When we can’t avoid staying online, at least we can make our work pleasant and enjoy the summer. [...]


TEM reporting reduces your mobile invoice by 20%

By |2023-12-19T21:53:20+01:00June 1st, 2017|All posts, Atem, Consulting, Costs, Visibility|Comments Off on TEM reporting reduces your mobile invoice by 20%

For the past 25 years, I have worked for and provided consulting to many large organisations of various sectors in Switzerland. During that time many projects were [...]


How TEM differs from a Call Accounting

By |2022-10-05T09:51:22+02:00January 1st, 2016|All posts, Atem, Consulting, Costs, Visibility, Workload|Comments Off on How TEM differs from a Call Accounting

Differences and benefits for fix telephony Call Accounting Call accounting consists of hardware connected to the telephony infrastructure (PBX) to receive the call tickets (CDR) [...]


A brief introduction to GROWS

By |2019-01-15T18:24:14+01:00June 1st, 2013|All posts, Consulting, Workload|Comments Off on A brief introduction to GROWS

Goal - Reality - Options - Work plan - Status GROW is a coaching concept introduced by John Whitmore in his book "Coaching for performance". Since 1995 [...]


Mobile costs: why using TEM deflates the invoice

By |2022-10-05T09:51:57+02:00March 2nd, 2011|All posts, Atem, Costs, Visibility, Workload|Comments Off on Mobile costs: why using TEM deflates the invoice

Can you imagine running a large business without some kind of ERP system that keeps your sales, your production and your finances aligned ? Well, this is [...]


Excel Pivot Workshop

By |2019-01-15T18:24:17+01:00October 1st, 2008|All posts, Consulting, Workload|Comments Off on Excel Pivot Workshop

Pivot Tables is an amazing feature of Excel, yet often not well known or understimated. It enables you to easily analyze and extract the juice (information) out [...]

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