

Someone may be listening… – Two TV documentaries from RTS (Switzerland) and CBC (Canada)

By |2022-10-26T18:27:31+02:00September 28th, 2018|All posts, Kudelski, Security|Comments Off on Someone may be listening… – Two TV documentaries from RTS (Switzerland) and CBC (Canada)

Two documentaries, from RTS - Swiss Television (in French) and CBC RADIO-CANADA (in English) illustrate how a hacker is able to listen into someone's mobile conversations, read [...]


Visiting the heart of Kudelski Cybersecurity labs in Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne (Le Temps)

By |2022-12-20T13:00:51+01:00January 18th, 2018|All posts, Kudelski, Security|Comments Off on Visiting the heart of Kudelski Cybersecurity labs in Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne (Le Temps)

An article published by Le Temps on December 22nd, 2017 highlights how Kudelski Security is emproving security levels on connected objects, from cars to elevators and many other. [...]


Kudelski Group launches White Noise to secure mobile phone communications

By |2022-12-20T13:00:42+01:00November 20th, 2017|All posts, Kudelski, Security|Comments Off on Kudelski Group launches White Noise to secure mobile phone communications

The Kudelski Group (SIX:KUD.S), the world leader in digital security, today announced the launch of WHITE NOISE, a secure mobile communication solution for businesses and government institutions. [...]


Just How Secure Are Those Encrypted Apps…

By |2019-01-15T18:24:09+01:00February 28th, 2017|All posts, Kudelski, Security|Comments Off on Just How Secure Are Those Encrypted Apps…

An article published in Forbes magazine on Feb. 28th 2017, highlights the flaws in encrypted apps such as Signal, Whatsapp or Telegram. Thanks to its expertise, Kudelski Security [...]


How to intercept mobile communications easily…

By |2019-01-15T18:24:13+01:00May 11th, 2015|All posts, Kudelski, Security|Comments Off on How to intercept mobile communications easily…

An article published by International Institute of Cyber Security on May 11th 2015 describes how easy it can be to intercept mobile communications (calls and messages). If [...]


Using private devices for work, yes but…

By |2022-10-05T09:51:29+02:00April 1st, 2015|All posts, Atem, Consulting, Costs, Security, Visibility, Workload|Comments Off on Using private devices for work, yes but…

Before authorizing employees to use their private devices for business purposes, a company should answer several questions related to the financial, security and legal aspects. This article [...]


Save up to 60% on international calls with smart routing

By |2023-05-24T16:49:31+02:00March 1st, 2011|All posts, Atem, Consulting, Costs, Tspendo, Visibility|Comments Off on Save up to 60% on international calls with smart routing

Products such as Quescom can save money by routing mobile calls through your fix infrastructure, but how much can be saved ? Tmanco will tell you with [...]


Reduce costs by reducing the waste

By |2022-10-05T09:52:15+02:00October 1st, 2009|All posts, Atem, Consulting, Costs, Tspendo, Visibility, Workload|Comments Off on Reduce costs by reducing the waste

This article explains how the TLM (Telecom Lifecycle Management) best practices can help the various actors of the process in order to better control what you [...]


Reducing telecom costs by 10 to 30% thanks to TEM

By |2022-10-05T09:52:22+02:00December 1st, 2008|All posts, Atem, Consulting, Costs, Tspendo, Visibility, Workload|Comments Off on Reducing telecom costs by 10 to 30% thanks to TEM

This article presents a table summarizing the actions that can be done at each step of the Telecom Lifecycle to reduce the cost & workload. It [...]


Transparent Telecom costs

By |2022-10-05T09:52:32+02:00August 1st, 2008|All posts, Atem, Consulting, Costs, Visibility, Workload|Comments Off on Transparent Telecom costs

This article presents the general principe of TEM applications, analyses all steps of the management process (Telecom Lifecycle) and describes the features & benefits that a [...]

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