Success story: CASALE Mobile costs optimization & governance
CASALE massively reduces its mobile costs with the advice & tools from TMANCO ABOUT CASALE - Founded in 1921 with HQ [...]
CASALE massively reduces its mobile costs with the advice & tools from TMANCO ABOUT CASALE - Founded in 1921 with HQ [...]
Take advantage of the new NatelGo conditions to optimize your costs On July 1st 2021, Swisscom updated the conditions for NATEL go subscriptions In case you missed it, here are some interesting changes you can leverage to optimize your costs or services
On July 1st 2021, Swisscom updated the conditions for NATEL go subscriptions In case you missed it, here are some interesting changes you can leverage to optimize [...]
While employees stay at home, many companies continue to pay mobile subscriptions which are over-sized for the current situation. Downgrading can save many 10'000.- CHF/month. For example: [...]
Swisscom and Sunrise both offer a family of mobile subscriptions with a "flat" model for enterprises ( Swisscom NATEL go , Sunrise Business ). These flat subscriptions [...]
The security challenge As they are facing a more and more complex scenario in terms of worldwide cybersecurity, Companies struggle today to find up-to-date and solid [...]
Because work is an activity, not a place ! When we can’t avoid staying online, at least we can make our work pleasant and enjoy the summer. [...]
Because work is an activity, not a place ! When we can’t avoid staying online, at least we can make our work pleasant and enjoy the summer. [...]
For the past 25 years, I have worked for and provided consulting to many large organisations of various sectors in Switzerland. During that time many projects were [...]
Differences and benefits for fix telephony Call Accounting Call accounting consists of hardware connected to the telephony infrastructure (PBX) to receive the call tickets (CDR) [...]