TSPENDO - Telecom Spend Optimizer
Turn your invoices into a gold mine of information to reduce your costs
TELBI - Telecom Bill Intelligence
The swiss online portal to manage your mobile invoices
Get more from your mobile invoice: Transparency - Reporting - Optimisation - Cost allocation
to manage & optimize your cellular costs
Unlock the power of mobility without worrying about increasing costs, more workload or loosing visibility.
With our tools & expertise, we can help you reduce your costs and increase your productivity.
using all aces in your hand
for all areas & people involved
knowledge is power, for all actors !
Excel coaching for busy people.
A training concept to make the best use of your time.
ATEM (Anatole Telecom Expense Manager): a leading TEM solution from Tangoe, distributed by Tmanco
Over 30 years of Telecom management competence at your service: contract negotiation, technology, processes, …
Custom tools to simplify the processing of your telecom data and gain business intelligence.
Xmas card 2024
Toni Lazazzera2024-12-23T05:43:19+01:00December 22nd, 2024|Comments Off on Xmas card 2024
The world looks upside down and can't be turned around ? A little gymnastics and all is right again.
Xmas card 2023
Toni Lazazzera2023-12-20T21:49:25+01:00December 19th, 2023|Comments Off on Xmas card 2023
Somewhere this moment really existed. The impression it conveys deserves our emotions.
Xmas card 2022
Toni Lazazzera2022-12-21T16:23:32+01:00December 19th, 2022|Comments Off on Xmas card 2022
The music of colours invites the eye to dance, the mind to let go, the signs to emerge.
Success story: CASALE Mobile costs optimization & governance
Toni Lazazzera2023-05-24T16:32:39+02:00October 4th, 2022|Comments Off on Success story: CASALE Mobile costs optimization & governance
CASALE massively reduces its mobile costs with the advice & tools from TMANCO ABOUT CASALE - Founded in 1921 with HQ in Lugano, CASALE is an engineering company, global provider of integrated solutions for the production of fertilizers and chemicals. HIGH MOBILE COSTS [...]