Kudelski’s White Noise: finalist at Swiss ICT Awards 2017
Kudelski's White Noise product, distributed by Tmanco, reached the finals of Swiss ICT Awards 2017. Don't forget to vote for White Noise online (vote here) and discover [...]
Kudelski's White Noise product, distributed by Tmanco, reached the finals of Swiss ICT Awards 2017. Don't forget to vote for White Noise online (vote here) and discover [...]
On June 16th 2017, Marlin Equity Partners (owner of Asentinel) completed the acquisition of Tangoe Inc. Asentinel and Tangoe have now merged and will operate under the [...]
An external view from Bluehill Research on the acquisition of Anatole by Asentinel, and the position of this new player in the global TEM market. [...]
On June 2nd 2016, Asentinel acquires Anatole and becomes the 2nd largest TEM supplier on the market. Tmanco is an Anatole partner since 2008. This partnership remains [...]