Atem (Anatole Telecom Expense Manager) is an online portal, hosted in France, to handle all the activities associated with the management of your telecom assets:
Simplify processes with inventory management for mobile, fix & network assets. Associate subscriptions & equipment to users / cost-centers. Interface with your HR system for automated updates.
Obtain visibility over your global costs for all services / all providers / all countries. Large number of interfaces to import your invoice files from numerous providers in numerous countries worldwide.
Perform detailed analysis of your costs / traffic with the built-in reports. Reduce your costs by identifying anomalies and optimisation potential.
Build advanced reports to display your information in the way that suits your needs and send them automatically to users / managers. Generate CSV files ready to import into your accounting system to simplify cost allocation.
Two TEM solutions (Telecom Expense Management) for different needs & budgets
Tangoe is the world leader in TLM solutions (Technology Lifecycle Management) for Mobility, Network and Cloud.
Tmanco is partner from Tangoe to distribute Tangoe’s products & services in Switzerland.
Atem is a product from Tangoe. It is the solution designed for the european market, originally designed by the french company Anatole who was later aquired and is now part of Tangoe. The platform Atem is still supported by the original Anatole team based in France and with staff in various european countries.
Target: large & multinational companies with telecom spend over 1 mioCHF/year and over 1’000 mobile lines
Features: full TEM solution, inventory management, workflow, covers 150+ carriers worldwide
Cost: starting from CHF 30’000.-/year with minimum 3 years contract commitment
Hosting: datacenter in France
Target: medium & large national companies starting from 100 mobile lines
Features: limited TEM solution, no inventory management (for now, but possibility to upload your inventory), covers carriers in Switzerland, Austria, Germany
Cost: starting from CHF 300.-/month, no duration commitment
Hosting: datacenter in Switzerland
Modern interface with dynamic charts
A dashboard to keep all your costs, traffic, assets and actions under control. Multi-language interface, extensive user-rights management to delegate the management of your telecom fleet across your organisation (business unit, country, service, etc.)
Ticketing system and workflow to follow-up on management actions.

Full featured assets-management
(subscriptions, options, equipment, user, cost-center)
A centralized platform to manage all your telecom assets for all locations (country-wide / worldwide).
Each month, the invoice files from all your telecom providers are imported and mapped to the corresponding user / cost-center, giving you a global view of your telecom costs, with the possibility to drill-down by country / by business-unit / by type of usage / etc.
Interface with your HR-System and you will automatically see assets which are associated to employees who left the company.
Interface with your accounting system and you can automate your cost-allocation to reduce the number of invoices while distributing the cost across all your cost-centers.
We estimate that managing a fleet of 1’000 mobiles requires 1 person full-time, and that workload can be reduce by about 50% by using a TEM solution like ATEM.

ATEM provides a complete, detailed and up-to-date visibility of all expenses. It is a valuable source of information which helps for all areas indicated above.
- Provider: ATEM has all the necessary data to know your traffic and profiles so you can negotiate exactly what you need, and you can simulate the outcome precisely. Information is power ! After implementing the new contract, you can verify the expected savings.
- People: a major benefit of ATEM is the ability to generate and send custom reports to each user/manager. By raising the awareness, this has a tremendous effect on the costs and we usually observe that the expenses drop by 20% or more as a direct consequence of sending reports. We even observed that the expenses then increase again if we stop sending reports.
- Process: how often do you check invoices for errors or verify if each mobile has the appropriate options ? Unless you have solution like ATEM in place, such work is very tedious and may be performed only occasionally. By simplifying and automating such tasks, you can detect and correct anomalies as soon as they happen so you reduce your invoice asap. Another aspect are the indirect costs associated with the administrative work of managing a mobile fleet, by reducing the workload up to 50%, ATEM solution reduces the indirect costs in the same proportion.
ATEM is a software platform designed specifically to to handle all activities associated with the management of a telecom fleet (mobile, fix, data lines, and more). It includes a variety of features to simplify and automate the common tasks. We estimate that using ATEM can reduce the overall workload up to 50%.
- Sourcing: ATEM provides all the necessary data to know your traffic and profiles so you can negotiate exactly what you need, and you can simulate the outcome precisely. After implementing the new contract, you can verify the expected savings.
- Order management: TEM provides workflow features to handle order/termination/etc. ATEM is integrated with your systems so inventory management requires minimal activities.
- Helpdesk: ATEM acts as a central repository and can also provide a self-care portal for endusers.
- Accounting: ATEM imports automatically all electronic invoices and associates the costs to each user/cost-center. Performing cost-allocation can be as simple as importing a generated file into your accounting system.
- Reporting: this is a key feature, with one click you generate and send custom reports to each user/manager. With such visibility, you can delegate many verifications and reduce the need for central controlling.
- Optimization: you benefit from the high visibility, it becomes then easy to detect and correct anomalies.
In addition to the software platform, we provide also a variety of managed services. We can take care of some/all of the above activities so you can focus on your core business.
June 16th 2017: Tangoe combines with Asentinel
On June 16th 2017, Marlin Equity Partners (owner of Asentinel) completed the acquisition of Tangoe Inc. Asentinel and Tangoe have now merged and will operate under the brand Tangoe. What will happen next and what should we expect from this merge ? Note: the ideas presented in this article [...]
TEM reporting reduces your mobile invoice by 20%
For the past 25 years, I have worked for and provided consulting to many large organisations of various sectors in Switzerland. During that time many projects were related to optimizing the telecom costs in various ways (RFP, cleanup, etc.) and in all these projects I have seen a common [...]
Tamedia reduces its mobile spend by 70%
Success Story Mobile devices give your workforce the freedom to work anywhere. Even though this increases the productivity, many organizations worry about increasing costs and limit the deployment of mobile devices. By managing your mobiles in the right manner with the right tool, not only can you keep your [...]
Success story: Tamedia
The largest private media group of Switzerland, Tamedia, relies on ATEM (Anatole Telecom Expense Manager) to bring transparency and cost awareness at all levels of the management organization, and the direct consequence is a drastic reduction of its telecom spend. Read more... [...]