You tried to trip me off, did you want to hurt me ?
I drew beauty from it, here I am more precious.
For the New Year, we wish you
to not need any resilience,
and resilience shall you need it.


Tenmoku Cup, Traditional Japanese Kintsugi

Urushi lacquer, pure gold dust – 12 x 6cm


Chiara Lorenzetti

Restorer since 1991. In her workshop in Biella, Chiara restores and creates pieces of art in ceramic, making the breakings precious and unique.

Kintsugi Chiaraartè

Kintsugi, the art of making fragility unique.

Kintsugi, a serene melancholy in knowing how to appreciate what ages, breaks, the failures, the pains that life puts in our path; a serene melancholy that brings us back to love ourselves as we are, broken but intact, unique, unrepeatable and, for this reason, worthy of the gold that covers us.

Chiara Lorenzetti