Art reminds us that creativity is the first ingredient of innovation
Since 2003, year after year, customers and business partners trust us and make our adventure not only possible but also enjoyable.
Every year around Christmas, as a thank you to all people who played a significant role in our adventure, we send a special card featuring an artwork from a local artist, and we craft a message to go with the image and stimulate the reflection. In most occasions, we send the card as paper version and the artist signs each card, turning it into an exclusive object.
In 2018, to celebrate our 15th anniversary, we decided to share all Christmas cards on our website so you can enjoy the artwork, appreciate the message and discover the various artists.
In some way, even managing telecom services is an art. With creativity we can find new ways to leverage the technology and serve our internal or external customers. With innovation we can enable our endusers and our business to do more with less, stay competitive and have more time to enjoy life.
Thanks to all people who contributed or will contribute to our adventure
Toni Lazazzera
founder and owner of Tmanco SA
Xmas card 2023
Somewhere this moment really existed. The impression it conveys deserves our emotions.
Xmas card 2022
The music of colours invites the eye to dance, the mind to let go, the signs to emerge.
Xmas card 2021
Sun – Air – Earth – Sea | When it seems the sky is falling, it is good to remember that the basic ingredients are still there for life to continue to flourish.
Xmas card 2020
LIFE - You tried to trip me off, did you want to hurt me ? I drew beauty from it, here I am more precious.
Xmas card 2019
LIFE - You tried to trip me off, did you want to hurt me ? I drew beauty from it, here I am more precious.
Xmas card 2018
Traffic, pollution, overcrowded cities. What if we moved the work instead of the people ? How long before this privilege becomes a necessity ?
Xmas card 2017
When the worries get heavy, a picture of softness reminds us the values, far from ephemeral rhythms.
Xmas card 2016
The picture who’s speaking is a dream who’s singing and attracts energy that will bring it to bloom.
Xmas card 2015
The ties that we build bring color to our existence and give it depth.
Xmas card 2014
Black Fear – Red Danger – Green Hope | This scene reminds us that in chinese: crisis = danger + opportunity
Xmas card 2013
Our ideas are like seeds, exposed to the streams of thinking. Some of them will become humus, so that others can then flower.
Xmas card 2012
He who knows how to watch doesn’t need any trick to capture the magic of a desolated place. And how much magic is there waiting around us that we learn to watch it with the eyes of our heart.
Xmas card 2011
The shapes get interlaced without filling the space, leaving room for the light so it can please our eyes. Opinions get mixed and can please our mind, if the respect leaves room for the doubts of eachother.
Xmas card 2010
With patience, alternance and open mind, giving becomes create.
Xmas card 2009
When the problem is on the table, the solution is in the pocket.
Xmas card 2008
How far will our senses, our passions let us see the difference between palpable and illusion, between the real and the virtual ?
Xmas card 2007
From far away the reflection induce our senses in error and mask the treasures hidden under the surface.
Xmas card 2006
Don’t these lines suggest various forms of paths: the choices, the obstacles, the paths of our life which look alike or differ ?
Xmas card 2005
Light help us to see. Too much light blind us. Small light force us to look. Zero light wake up our senses and make us see the invisible.
Xmas card 2004
Strictness or creativity, in much jobs you need both. Utopia? Opportunity? With the right dose, the genius will born.
Xmas card 2003
Beyond the distance of time, the painter comunicate to the peolple an emotion. Another form of telecomunication.