www.tmanco.ch - toni.lazazzera@tmanco.ch - 091.930-9663
Tspendo is a software tool developped by Tmanco SA, it performs an X-ray of your mobile telephony invoice (detailed billing files from the carrier) and produces the current report. This report enables you to visualize the trends, verify the tariffs, identify opportunities for optimization and quantify the potential gains. Such insights shall help evaluate the ROI of given projects, and therefore define & prioritize initiatives for cost optimizations, such as: inventory cleanup project, contract negociation, TEM deployment (Telecom Expense Management), etc.
WARNING: this report is produced automatically based on the information found in the carrier's billing-files (eg: Swisscom Mobile - Invoice Reporting Raw Data). The information provided here shall be interpreted with care and considered in the context of the specific customer, it shall not be seen as a "ready-to-use answers" to trigger actions without prior validation by a telecom specialist.
Scope: defines a given set of data analyzed (eg: a given period of months or a limited group of invoices)
Optimization: the type of optimization performed by the present report. Tspendo also generates other reports with other kind of optimizations (eg: Swisscom CMN).
Level : defines the level of details of this report
This report analyses the mobile telephony spend for the customer DEMO. It highlights anomalies or opportunities that can be exploited to reduce the spend, and also quantifies the savings that could be achieved.
This analysis was based on 6 months of data (Swisscom Invoice Reporting files from 2017.03 to 2017.08). We extrapolated a yearly spend of 596000 CHF/year for a total of 367 mobiles (last period), which gives an average of 135 CHF/month per mobile
The analysis revealed 14.2% potential savings, subdivided between Long-term and Quick-win as illustrated in this bar-graph:
85% | 2% | 11% |
Important: please check the section 02) Validation of source data used for the analysis to ensure that the underlying data (used to build this report) is complete. Otherwise the information provided in this report may not be accurate and should be corrected before you can use it
The table hereafter provides a summary of the costs, subdivided by category. For more details, see section 03) Invoice Verification & Overview
Category | nb_Units | Unit | chf/unit | chf | chf/yr | %chf | graph %chf |
Subscriptions | 2202 | mobiles x months | 96.75 | 213036 | 426073 | 71.5% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |
Roaming Tel | 142120 | Minutes | 0.26 | 37019 | 74038 | 12.4% | |||||||||||| |
Roaming Data | 785097 | Mb | 0.02 | 17921 | 35843 | 6.0% | |||||| |
International Tel | 93130 | Minutes | 0.18 | 16740 | 33481 | 5.6% | |||||| |
National Tel | 143830 | Minutes | 0.08 | 11328 | 22657 | 3.8% | |||| |
Roaming SMS | 16582 | SMS | 0.11 | 1766 | 3533 | 0.6% | | |
National SMS | 22757 | SMS | 0.0 | 29 | 58 | 0.0% | | |
International SMS | 11115 | SMS | 0.0 | 13 | 26 | 0.0% | | |
National Data | 3630240 | Mb | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0% | | |
TOTAL | 297855 | 595711 | 100.0% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |
The table hereafter provides a summary of the potential savings identified. The hyperlinks in the table bring you to the sections with further details.
Savings opportunities | diff/yr | %diff | Graph %chf |
Quick-win | 70000 | 11.8% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |
04) Inventory verification & optimization | 3000 | 0.4% | | |
09) NATEL go optimization | 68000 | 11.4% | |||||||||||| |
Medium / Long-term | 14000 | 2.4% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |
05) Usage policy / Top users | 0 | 0.0% | |
06) Usage policy / Business hours | 6000 | 1.0% | | |
07) Least Cost Routing | 4000 | 0.7% | | |
08) Room for negociation | 4000 | 0.6% | | |
GRAND TOTAL | 85000 | 14.2% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |
Tspendo does not have sufficient information to verify that your invoice is correct but section 03) Invoice Verification & Overview provides you further details per category and enables you to verify that:
If you find any divergence, this may reveal billing errors causing extra costs and therefore a potential saving, however further investigation may then be needed to confirm that the divergences are not due to other factors before claiming a refund from the provider
We identified 70000 CHF/year as quick savings (11.8%) which could be achieved within 1-3 month by terminating unused lines or choosing the best subscription & option for each mobile.
We also identified further long-term savings around 14000 CHF/year (2.4%) which could be achieved within 3-12 months through initiatives such as negociation, by enforcing usage policy or by implementing a technical solutions for call-routing.
Important: for medium / long term savings, we considered only 40% of the savings identified in each section (rule of thumb), to take into account that:
Considering the management of the mobile fleet of 367, we estimated that it probably requires ~1.0 FTE to manage it (order subscriptions/equipment, activate options, verify invoices, allocate costs, support users, etc.) , and using a TEM solution could probably reduce that workload by ~0.5 FTE
The long-term savings highlighted above show the impact that enforcing usage policies can have on the costs Here are the type of actions that can drive users to lower their average cost/month or use the fix phone instead of their when possible :
TEM is a key component to achieve these savings, by enabling the design of custom reports and the automatic distribution to hundreds/thousands of users every month